Daily Archives: November 6, 2010

The Problem with Warmachine

I’m trying to expand my gaming horizons.

I want to get into some games beyond the Games Workshop stable. Not that I have any problem with the GW games, but there are other games out there and I want to see whats up.

So I’m getting into Warmachine. I bought a Menoth starter set, and the Protectorate book and the MKII prime book, and I’ve got to say it looks cool. The models are great, the books are beautiful and the rules seem to really foster clever play. I’ve not played a game yet but I’m already thinking about what I’ll buy next.

But for me there is a major flaw with Warmachine.


Kreos- Menoth Warcaster

More specifically the fact that your army is led by warcasters created by Privateer Press, and each party MUST have one of those warcasters.

Now I’ve nothing wrong with the warcasters they’ve made, Kreos looks great and I’m thinking of buying a Feora as an alternate, but I like to make my own characters. Part of what I love about hobbying is coming up with the back story and ‘fluff’ for my army. It’s why I don’t use special characters and why I have created my own Craftworld, Space Marine Chapter and Ogre Tribe. Its why I am in this hobby, and I kinda resent being told that I have to use ‘this character’ and play ‘this way’.

So I’ll learn to play, and I’ll paint the models and I’ll probably spend a hundred bucks on the hobby, but I’m not sure I will ever get into it the way I have got into the GW Millieu. Time will tell.

Geek at 73